How To Draw Digitally

As with traditional methods of drawing, one must start from the basics. Digital art shares many of the same foundations, but requires a few nuanced steps to begin. This will serve as a simple and easy to follow guide to explain the basic preparation, setup, materials, and steps to begin drawing and painting digitally. It will also explain how to export, format, and save your work for later changes and the finished product.

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Review: Intuos Pen & Touch Drawing Tablet

In this new digital age, few tools are as crucial to an artist as a tablet. Drawing tablets, (also known as graphics tablets, digitizers, and pen tablets) are flat devices that allow a user to draw with a stylus pen that, when drawing, is detected by sensors within the surface of the tablet and transferred into whatever program it is that they are utilizing. Continue reading “Review: Intuos Pen & Touch Drawing Tablet”

3 Free Websites for a Digital Artist to Jump Start their Portfolio

Many young artists are hardworking, diligent, and passionate in their craft. However, some lack the drive, the resources, and the contacts to receive feedback or other opportunities in order to progress in their careers.It can prove difficult for amateurs to project their name to future employers, or other people who would appreciate their craft. The following are a few handy sites with amazing communities that can not only give a beginner the push that they need to begin their journey, but also provide the resources for professionals. Continue reading “3 Free Websites for a Digital Artist to Jump Start their Portfolio”